Tuesday, April 14, 2020

my quarentine

over the past 2 months almost I have been out of school because of quarantine. there is not very much to do at home. i play Xbox and play on my phone a lot. I also like to go for a drive at might time. it's nice to be out because of the nice weather that we have had lately. I'm excited for it to start being even nicer out.online school has been weird for me, I can't really tell yet which one I like more. i like the concept of being home but its also not as easy to get help when you really need it.

my reading life: I am reading Coraline I'm finding out more about her the more I read. she is finding out more about the hidden places in the house and about her parents.

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Monday, March 9, 2020

my weekend

over my weekend I was with my friends a lot. on Friday night we drove around and just hung out. I am always tired so it's kind of hard to stay up every single weekend so late. On Saturday i woke up really late in the afternoon so my day felt very weird and I didn't go to bed until really late. it snowed a little bit on Saturday but not much. But when it does snow in Ohio there's literally nothing to do. on Sunday I woke up around 1:00 but it felt really weird because of the clock change.

the temperature on Sunday was perfect, I love when it's not too hot but when it's also not too cold. it was nice to see because everyone goes out and does things when it's nice out. I went to go to lunch with my dad around 2:00. after we did that we went home and I just sat on my phone until my friend called me and asked to come over. after my friend left my family and I had dinner together. and to finish the night off i went on a drive with my sister and did homework and that was my weekend.

my reading life: i am reading a book that Mrs. J has picked out for me called travel team

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Monday, February 24, 2020

my weekend

over my weekend i did a lot of things. on Friday after school, I drove my friends home and then went home and took a nap until about 6pm. After I woke up I called Ryan to see if he wanted to hang out. he told me to come over. when i got to his house we went into the basement and played NHL on Xbox. I had a lot of confidence that i was going to win. we were tied 1-1 for a little while then he scored a ton and beat me. I ended up losing the game 5-1. After that game we played 2k, he beat me again. I don't remember the score. after that happened we drove around for a little bit trying to find out what to do.

the way my weekend went was kinda weird, I slept most of the time, I don't like sleeping during the day because it throws off my time really bad. on Saturday night i decided to go hang out with some of the kids from my old school. I haven't seen them in a while and they invited me to go out. It felt weird seeing people that i used to go to school with because they always ask me why I left. i had fun seeing them, its just a very different environment than what I am used to. that was my weekend. I would say it was a pretty good one.

my reading life: I am reading holes for rwyl for Mrs j's class.Image result for cleveland

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

my long weekend

This long 4 day weekend is going to be filled with things to do for me. Thursday after school I have my ACT prep class until 5:00pm. After that, I will most likely hang out with friends for the rest of the night. Friday morning I'm helping get the house ready for my cousins that are coming in from New York City. Their flight lands at 10:30 pm. even though they land so late we still want the house to be ready. On Friday they got in and we went straight from the airport to dinner in solon. we went to bed so late that night that we slept half of the day on Saturday. The rest of the day we just drove to a bunch of places and I just showed them around Cleveland. That night we went out to dinner and stayed in for the rest of the night and played Xbox.

On Sunday morning my family and I, along with my grandparents and cousins went out to lunch because it was there last day being in Ohio. For the rest of that day we went downtown and just showed them around then we went back to my house and my mom made them dinner. They left Monday morning to go back to new york

my reading life: I'm reading holes for Mrs. j's class for rwyl.
Image result for downtown cleveland